1. How to Create an AROYA GO Account (AROYA GO Only)

Updated by Philip Malmquist

Pre-requisite: Locate your AROYA Gateway

In order to create a new AROYA account you'll need access to your AROYA Gateway and the serial number label attached to it.

Step 1: How to get started

  1. Using your web browser, navigate to app.aroya.io
  2. Click "Create AROYA GO account"

Step 2: Register Gateway

  1. Enter your Gateway serial number and key

  1. Click Register
The serial number and key are written on your Gateway serial label

Step 3: Complete the Account Creation Process

  1. Click "Create New AROYA GO Account" and follow the steps on your screen

Step 4: Activate Your New Devices

Your new account has been created. Please proceed to activating your new devices. For support, see guide "How to Activate New Devices".

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