Upload multiple photos per upload at once

Updated by Philip Malmquist

Upload multiple photos per upload at once

1. To upload photos, Click the "+" button at the botom right corner followed by clickng the "note" icon at the top of the menu. This will start a note within which you can upload photos to.

2. Fill in the required information such as location, title, and description of the note. Then click "Add Photos" to start choosing your photos to upload.

3. Choose to upload photos form your gallery, or to take a new photos with your mobile device's camera. in this example we're going to choose pictures from the gallery.

4. Choose the pictures you'd like to upload to your note. Click "add" when selection is comlete. Please note: Maxiumum 250 Mb can be uploaded at once.

5. Scroll to the right to see all your choosen pictures. To delete a picture, please click the "X" on the picture. Click "Save" to save the note with your pictures.

6. To see your note and uploaded pictures, navigate to the Journal and click in your note.

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